2019-2020 Meetings
Agendas are posted on the Friday before the meeting. Board Briefs are posted a week after the meeting is held. Minutes of the board meetings are posted after they have been approved at the following board meeting.
Board of Education meetings are broadcast on Addison Community TV -
Comcast Cable Channel 6 or AT&T U-Verse Channel 99
one week after the meeting is held.
Board meetings can also be viewed over the Internet at
The Addison School District 4 Board of Education is committed to communicating openly with
its stakeholders and the general public.
If you require assistance or have any concerns about the accessibility (language or physical access) of the ASD4 Board of Education meetings, please call 630-458-2429, at least one week prior to scheduled meeting dates.
El Comité Educativo del Distrito Escolar 4 de Addison se compromete a comunicarse abiertamente con
cualquier persona interesadas y el público en general.
Si necesita ayuda o tiene alguna inquietud sobre la accesibilidad (idioma o acceso físico) de las reuniones del Comité Educativo de ASD4, comuníquese al 630-458-2429, al menos una semana antes de las fechas programadas de la reunión.
March 25, 2020 rescheduled to Friday, March 20, 2020 at 6:00pm