District » ESSER Funding

ESSER Funding

Addison School District 4


ESSER III-ARP- Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funding


Information on how we will use the funds will be posted on our website at the above URL. Team met in coordination with all stakeholders regarding the needs for our students for the use of our ESSER III funds. Input was gained through collaborative meetings with all stakeholders. The remaining funds will be utilized to implement prevention and mitigation strategies for HVAC replacement in accordance with CDC guidelines. The LEA will continue to review the use of resources every 6 months and share information out to all stakeholders through our website. Other funds were utilized to address academic outcomes for students due to loss of learning. The itemized list is on the website. Stakeholders will be given contact information to the district grant coordinator - Keri Karpman - [email protected] - to provide feedback.


Capital Improvements: The ESSER III funds provide districts with the opportunity to address structural issues that may need to be addressed within their schools. These capital improvements may help bridge the digital divide, improve the learning environment, or make schools safer for students and staff.

As we return to full-time in-person instruction, we will:

  • HVAC replacement for elementary buildings to improve air quality.
  • Purchase classroom technology resources to enhance teaching and learning
  • Enhance physical, digital, and online security


Notes: We have learned a great deal from the global pandemic. The focus of our improvements will be on ways we can provide a safer environment and improving the tools in our teachers’ hands. To that end, we plan to ensure each classroom has the necessary technology to implement engaging lessons for all students. We also plan on making the most of our large spaces (i.e. gyms and cafeterias) to allow for social distancing if necessary.