District » ASDChat4ALL Podcast

ASDChat4ALL Podcast

Hello, Addison community! This year, we are introducing a new podcast to the district hosted by ASD4 Superintendent Dr. Nick Sutton and Communications Director Dean Constantopoulos. The purpose of this podcast is to highlight interesting happenings in the district and keep our community and families informed. We will have community members, staff members, and more on the show to talk about events, projects, and so much more. Communicating with our families and our community is essential in creating a warm, welcoming, and informed school community, so we invite you to listen in or join us for a chat! From board members to local business owners, this podcast is one of the ways we plan to bring the latest district and Addison news straight to you! 
You can listen to our podcasts through our website, Facebook, and Twitter pages, but they will also be available wherever you normally listen to podcasts, including:
Apple Music
Samsung Music
iHeart Radio
Amazon Music
Player FM
¡Los podcasts también están disponibles con subtítulos en español! 
Mira los videos en YouTube en: https://tinyurl.com/aycv3vsd
If you're interested in learning more (or being a guest on the show), send a message to Dean on Twitter at @AddisonSD4, call him at 630-458-2429, or shoot him an email at [email protected]. Come on out and have a chat with us! 
2023-2024 School Year
2022-2023 School Year