Teaching and Learning » Assessments



Addison School District 4 Assessments


One of the goals of Addison School District 4 is to ensure the success of our students. In order to measure student growth and progress, regular assessment of student learning takes place throughout the school year. Assessing the students in a variety of ways at different times during the year helps us understand how students are learning. When the test data shows that a student does not understand a

concept, the teacher then has the opportunity to modify the way they teach in order to fill in the student’s learning gap.


Often, we think of assessment as the major tests that happen once or twice a year, but it is much more than that. We believe that many different approaches to assessment are important, and that the results need to be used to guide instruction. Given the different uses for assessment, it is critical that educators select the appropriate type of test. Below you will find information on the various assessments the Addison School District 4 students take throughout the school year.


Why Do We Test?

This is the most fundamental question in determining if students are learning, and it has various answers. Testing—or assessment-- is used to:


  • Measure student achievement
  • Inform instructional decisions
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of instructional practices and programs
  • Monitor educational systems for public accountability


The purpose of testing is to deliver accurate and reliable information that can be used by teachers and schools as they strive to create better students. There are no shortcuts to improving student achievement and creating a world-class workforce.


Why So Many Tests?

Multiple sources are necessary to tell educators what students know and can do. Due to the fact that tests provide different information, no one test can tell us all we need to know about one student’s progress. Therefore, using multiple assessments provides us a foundation to valid, reliable, fair information about student achievement.


How is the assessment process reviewed?

The Support Systems 4 ALL (SS4A) team will continue to assess the effectiveness of the assessments we utilize to assess student performance and make recommendations as needed.

2021-2022 District 4 Assessment Schedule

MAP Growth Benchmark Assessments Grades K-8


Fall Benchmark 9/7 - 9/21

Winter Benchmark 11/29 – 12/10

Spring Benchmark 5/2 – 5/13

Description of Assessment, What is Assessed and Purpose of the NWEA Assessments:

NWEA assessments are computerized adaptive tests, which help teachers, parents, and administrators improve learning for all students and make informed decisions to promote a child's academic growth. The MAP Growth test is a screening tool and a tool to monitor student progress in Reading and Math, in English or Spanish.


Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment, Grades K-5 EDL2 Benchmark Assessment (Spanish) Grades K-5



Fall Benchmark

All students - Grades 1-5 9/7-10/1

Winter Benchmark

All Kindergarten Students Grades K-5 Students New to the District

1/5 1/28


Spring Benchmark All students - Grades K-5

5/2 5/20

Description of Assessment, What is Assessed and Purpose of Fountas & Pinnell and EDL2:

Fountas and Pinnell and EDL2 (Evaluación del desarrollo de la lectura) are designed to assist educators in quickly and efficiently assessing a student’s instructional and independent reading level. The results are used to

assist teachers in grouping students for reading instruction. EDL2 is an assessment for students whose primary language is Spanish or who are learning Spanish in the dual program.


ACCESS Testing ELL Students, Grades K-8


Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR)/Illinois Science Assessment (ISA) Grades 3-8


IAR March 7 April 22 ISA - March 1 – April 29

Description of Assessment, What is Assessed and Purpose of the PARCC/ISA:

IAR is designed to measure students’ content knowledge and key skills of the Common Core State Standards. Students are assessed in English Language Arts and Math in grades 3-8 and Science in grades 5 and 8.

DLM-AA Grades 3-8

March 16 May 4

Description of Assessment, What is Assessed and Purpose of the DLM-AA:

The Dynamic Learning Map is an alternate assessment that is individually administered to measure the learning of students with significant disabilities.


KIDS Kindergarten

October 22 40th Day

Window - October 15 - October 29

February 14 105th Day

Window February 7 - February 21 Optional Upload

May 26 170th Day

Window – May 17 June 2

Description of Assessment, What is Assessed and Purpose of the KIDS:

The Kindergarten Individual Development Survey (KIDS) helps teachers understand the abilities and behaviors they observe in children who have just begun kindergarten. KIDS focuses on the skills and competencies that are very important for a child’s long-term success.