Standards-Based Reporting
Addison School District 4 utilizes a standards-based reporting system which we refer to as the Student Learning Profile (SLP). The SLP measures student progress toward grade level standards. Standards are statements about learning expectations for students, and a standards-based report card communicates a clear message about what children know, what they are able to do, and what they need to learn in relation to the Illinois Learning Standards and the Common Core State Standards.
The SLP is sent home three times per year in grades K-8. It places an emphasis on growth, understanding, and mastery of skills over time. Students are evaluated on standards listed in each content area, and progress is reported in relation to expected levels of performance at that point in time. Students also are evaluated on their work habits and social skills, as feedback in these areas is an important part of the communication between school and home. These are noted as Learning Habits. Student progress toward achieving the Standards will be reported using the following measure:
ME: Meeting with Excellence - Students consistently extend grade level and/or course level expectations. Students independently apply and evaluate Essential Learning Standards and Skills at an advanced level.
MS: Meeting Standard - Students consistently meet grade level and/or course level expectations with very little or no guidance. Students are able to demonstrate and apply Essential Learning Standards and Skills at a proficient level.
AS: Approaching Standard - Students are developing understanding of grade level and/or course level expectations but are in need of additional support. Students are able to demonstrate and apply Essential Learning Standards and Skills with guidance at a progressive level.
AC: Area of Concern - Students are not making adequate progress toward grade level and/or course level expectations. Students do not demonstrate application of Essential Learning Standards and Skills even with additional guidance.
For more information, view the Powerpoint slideshow on the Student Learning Profile (SLP) below.
The SLP is sent home three times per year in grades K-8. It places an emphasis on growth, understanding, and mastery of skills over time. Students are evaluated on standards listed in each content area, and progress is reported in relation to expected levels of performance at that point in time. Students also are evaluated on their work habits and social skills, as feedback in these areas is an important part of the communication between school and home. These are noted as Learning Habits. Student progress toward achieving the Standards will be reported using the following measure:
ME: Meeting with Excellence - Students consistently extend grade level and/or course level expectations. Students independently apply and evaluate Essential Learning Standards and Skills at an advanced level.
MS: Meeting Standard - Students consistently meet grade level and/or course level expectations with very little or no guidance. Students are able to demonstrate and apply Essential Learning Standards and Skills at a proficient level.
AS: Approaching Standard - Students are developing understanding of grade level and/or course level expectations but are in need of additional support. Students are able to demonstrate and apply Essential Learning Standards and Skills with guidance at a progressive level.
AC: Area of Concern - Students are not making adequate progress toward grade level and/or course level expectations. Students do not demonstrate application of Essential Learning Standards and Skills even with additional guidance.
For more information, view the Powerpoint slideshow on the Student Learning Profile (SLP) below.